Tyler Black vs. Bryan Danielson

(ROH Southern Navigation, May 9, 2008)

I don’t want to focus too much on pre-WWE Seth Rollins, since the man REALLY came into his own on WWE’s watch. But… I’d be a fool to ignore what he accomplished as Tyler Black, as who Seth Rollins was is essential to who he is.
So here he is, the future ROH (and, you know, WWE) champion taking on THE BEST IN THE WORLD, Bryan Danielson.
Oh, and a bonus clip, one in which Black really only serves as a background character.
The debut of the Age of the Fall.
Warning… it gets graphic.

The Shield Implodes 

(Raw, June 2, 2014)

It is, without a doubt, the night that made Seth Rollins a star. Seemingly out of nowhere, Seth Rollins betrays both Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose, and joins up with The Authority.
It may be the best, most effective heel turn since Hulk Hogan was revealed as the third man.
The crowd didn’t see it coming, until the moment Rollins cocked the steel chair, and dropped Reigns. Ambrose’s reaction was the same as the fans in attendance, and watching at home. It was perfect.
Then, all of a sudden, months of Rollins being referred to as “The Architect” of the Shield made perfect sense, and the greatest heel of this generation was born.

Rollins Champ

Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns (vs. Seth Rollins)

(WWE Championship Match, WrestleMania)

We all knew something had to go down. Reigns was getting booed out of the building (thanks, in large part, to a boring feud with Big Show, and the overwhelming feeling of “they really are shoving him down our throats, aren’t they?” We were due for a title change, we were due for a Money in the Bank cash-in, and we knew it.
And what we got… it was glorious.
Rollins didn’t just win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. He didn’t just cash in the Money in the Bank contract. He became the first man to cash-in, and win, at WrestleMania, closing out the main event of the biggest show of the year as WWE Champion.
And no one else can ever say the same.
Log in to your WWE Network accounts, sit back, and enjoy.

Seth Rollins Meets His Battleground Opponent

Raw, June 15, 2015

Alright, I know there’s no match here. That’s the point. Even without a match taking place, Seth Rollins still delivers a masterful, physical performance…without taking a single bump.
Say what you want about Seth’s promos. I, for one, am a fan, and think he does a great job delivering to the table what’s cooked up by the creative team. Some disagree, and that’s fine.
What I want you to pay attention to here is Seth’s acting once (um, spoiler alert?) Brock’s music hits. The facial expression towards Trips and Steph, the “I’m afraid to look, and afraid to look away” expressions when Brock gets in the ring, and how broken Rollins looks as a man in general.
This is great acting. As Nick would say, this is some next level shit… and it proves, to me, that Seth Rollins is THE top heel in WWE today.

Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

Do you even watch wrestling? If so, I shouldn’t have to tell you that Ambrose and Rollins have insane chemistry together in the ring. It doesn’t matter if it’s the match embedded above, or any of their PPV matches from last fall (including their Hell in a Cell main event)… these guys always deliver must-see matches.
Do yourself a favor. Log in to the WWE Network, an waste a few hours watching these two guys kick the shit out of one another.
You won’t regret it.

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