It’s Day Three of #JeffJarrettWeek, a celebration of all things J-E-Double F J-A-Double R-E-Double T and the seventh installment in our patent-pending Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series. We started off with A Wrestler You Should Probably Know Better, before we gave you the finer points of the Double J oeuvre with some Essential Viewing. Today, we march through the end of Hump Day with a GIF parade. Tomorrow we’ll make our “ on steroids” dream come true with Juice Make Sugar Recommends… before finishing everything off on Friday with a Difference of Opinion (where JMS HQ erupts in a Exploding Guitar-fueled civil war.) 

Jeff Jarrett is known for a few things.

Going all out for every single little thing he does.



Jeff Jarrett strut

And, of course, getting help to win his matches.

Sometimes from people, like the Roadie,

chop block

but most of the time, it’s from his trusty exploding guitar:

jeff-jarrett-vs-rey-mysterio-jr-guitar shot

He doesn’t discriminate.


guitar shot dead

Ok, maybe he does.

jeff-jarrett-guitar shot gary-coleman

jeff-jarrett-guitar-shot beetlejuice

Mae Young


Best Jarrett GIF ever

Yep. Definitely.

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