What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: WWE Extreme Rules 2015

RKO Banned in a Steel Cage Match for WWE Championship

Rollins Orton

Seth Rollins (c) vs. Randy Orton

Best Case Scenario: The two most talented people in the business working a steel cage match where they have to use serious psychology to give fans the payoff they deserve without spoiling the payoff they want? Sounds like a best case scenario to me.

Worst Case Scenario: Kane feigns turning on Rollins, only to screw over Orton. Mostly because he’s already a fucking heel and that would be yet another pointless/stupid “LULZ, WE PLANED ITT TIS WAI AL ALONGE!” angle for the Authority.

What Nick Wants To Happen: An RKO, preferably out of nowhere.

What Will Happen: Kane feigns turning on Rollins, only to screw over Orton. Because: wrestling.

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