What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: Tables, Ladders & Chairs … and Stairs

Divas Title Match


Nikki Bella (C) vs. A.J. Lee

Best Case Scenario: An actual match given actual time between a vastly improved Nikki Bella and human bump machine A.J. Lee. Last month’s bit of meta-dramedy served a specific purpose, but going to anything close to that well again would be disastrous with a capital OG Sin Cara.

Worst Case Scenario: A reenactment of either Daniel Bryan’s strangling of Justin Roberts or King Kong Bundy’s squash match against SD Jones.

What Nick Wants to Happen: See: Best Case Scenarion.

What Will Happen: Hopefully the Best Case Scenario, but given the way they book the Divas division, anything between the Worst Case Scenario and the “Bark like a dog” promo is not just possible but actively in play.

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