Chairs Match
Ryback vs. Kane
What Nick Wants to Happen: They don’t try to relive the stupidity of the other Chairs match I can remember, and no one gets disqualified for using something other than a chair. And for Kane to make Ryback look as good as Big Show does.
What Will Happen: A match the crowd hates that your correspondent unashamedly loves.
I loved this match in the sense that it appealed to all five of my wrestling, and the chairshot to Ryback’s face in particular, though I couldn’t help by feel while watching this that all four men would have been better served if this match was a stairs match and Rowan-Show competed in a chairs match. Unlike Rowan-Show, there’s a considerable size difference — Ryback is super human sized, for sure, but he’s still “human” sized … Kane is essentially a sasquatch — and that’s lost slightly when they are wildly swinging chairs at one another.
Though, despite the cognitive dissonance, like their Stairs match counterparts, they were still able to make the chairs match as enjoyable as one of these can be, considering all the narrative maladies it suffers from as an idea. Chairs are fun, but — especially in an era with no unprotected chair shots to the head — cuts off a lot of options from a storytelling perspective in a no-DQ match. The main event showed the power of kendo sticks and even the stairs match featured significantly more — and better — use of what should be an inferior gimmick.
However, even with all that riding against him, Ryback continues to be surprisingly over — the Feed Me More chants were strong through out — in a way that seems to be a manifestation of the weird ways in which Ryback simultaneously appeals to and repulses a specific segment of the fandom. Which means (like Rowan), although he may not build much off of this match and feud, it certainly has prevented from losing any significant ground while they figure out something better for him to do.
Match .3 | PPV 3.2
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