(SPOILERS VIA Wrestlezone.com)
Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Los Matadores & El Torito d Ryback, Curtis Axel & 3MB
So, we’re running out of pavement on the road to Wrestlemania…and now we’re seeing where some guys fit into the plans. Hulk Hogan was on Raw this week. Cody, who was super-hot not too long ago, is teaming up with El Torito on Main Event. I wouldn’t count on Goldy-Cody.
Aksana & Alicia Fox d Eva Marie & Natalya
It’s #BretWeek, which means Aksana reversed the sharpshooter to pin Natty. No, seriously. Gotta protect Eva Marie!
Darren Young d Titus O’Neil
Both of these guys need to be protected –especially Titus, who has much more star power than D-Young. If you’re going to continue this feud, it would probably be more effective to have Mr. No Days Off pin someone else, why Titus is on commentary. I’m sure Christian and his new attitude were floating around somewhere backstage.
Sin Cara d Damien Sandow
Remember what I said about Cody? Doubly-true for Sandow. A couple months ago, he had a great, competitive match with John Cena on Raw. Now? Oof.
SKIM THIS SHOW. I can’t, in good faith, tell you to watch a show that involves Eva Marie and El Torito in featured rolls. BUT, there does seem to be more action than usual on Main Event this week, and that action-to-recap ratio makes it far more watchable.
Kofi Kingston d Damien Sandow
Remember a few weeks back when Kofi was competitive with Randy Orton? Or when he had a fun showing at Royal Rumble? No? Well, apparently, now he’s wrestling on the D-show.
Los Matadores, Cody Rhodes & Goldust d Ryback, Curtis Axel, & 3MB
Yes, it’s the same match from Main Event, sans the bull and the ginger. WWE HAS TO stop doing this, now that everything’s going to air on the network, right? RIGHT?
SKIM THIS SHOW….IF you like Kofi Kingston matches. SKIP THIS SHOW otherwise.
(spoilers via Wrestlezone.com)
The Real Americans d Mark Henry & Big E
Henry eats a Neutralizer in a match that sounds like a Real Americans showcase. It seems the Cesaro face turn is coming soon. Hopefully it goes better than the turns of Dolph Ziggler, Miz, Big E, Del Rio….
Sheamus d Alberto del Rio by DQ
Before the match, ADR asked Vickie Guerrero for the night off. Sheamus is a big Irish jerk, so he comes in and asks for a fight. Once the match gets going, we get Christian – in a suit – on commentary. Christian attacks Sheamus for the DQ. I think someone is going to get a Brogue Kick into early retirement and/or a Jeff Jarrett up-start.
THE SHIELD argues backstage. The Architect breaks it up, and warns the Wyatt Family.
Batista d Dolph Ziggler
Slow match that apparently drew “boring” and “CM Punk” chants from the crowd. The WZ reviewer took credit for the Punk chant, making him part of the problem. This match is probably better than it’s being given credit for.
The Wyatt Family cut a promo on John Cena. The Shield come out…and so does Triple H. Shield vs Wyatts is booked for Raw.
AJ Lee d Cameron, to retain the Divas title
A rematch of the PPV match no one wanted to see. Cameron sucks. Tamina gets ejected, AJ wins anyway. This ends with Tamina screwing AJ out of the title when Naomi comes back, right? And then Tamina goes to TNA?
Daniel Bryan & The Usos d Kane & The New Age Outlaws
The Corporate Ministry loses this one when Bryan pins Billy Gunn with the yet-unnamed running knee. Probably a pretty solid main event.
SKIM THIS SHOW. The action, for the most part, sounds pretty good. It’s mostly logical booking heading into Mania. That said, a lot of it sounds largely inconsequential, and will continue to do so. Everything of importance on the Road to Wrestlemania takes place on Raw. No exceptions.
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