Victors, Spoiled

Raw Regurgitated, 11/24

This show really seemed to run out of steam, if it ever really had any fuel to begin with with this final match . The issue, of course, wasn’t the crowd — which was surprisingly hot considering most of the garbage they were fed by Larry the Cable Guy, the Bella-Lee fiasco and ANOTHER Adam Rose-Bunny clusterkerfuffle — but the lack of a glue to hold the show together. Daniel Bryan did the best he could, but he isn’t even on Randy Orton’s promo level right now, let alone Stephanie or HHH’s. Having the Authority, like Mr. McMahon or the nWo (back when there was less than 30 members,) to build entire shows around places far less of a burden on everyone else. While the fact that they kept saying how much we will miss them was meant to be delusions of grandeur, after just one night it’s clear exactly how many holes they filled and mistakes they covered up through the sheer force of their momentum/talent.

HAVING SAID THAT, this match delivered at a significantly higher level than the crowd seemed to have anticipated, in large part because Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble are not just good but GREAT workers, with Noble a legitimate candidate in the “most talented pound-for-pound performer of his generation” category. And, as always, anything Seth Rollins gives is essentially worth its weight in wrestling gold. Even with John Cena barely taking the time or energy to remove his brightly colored t-shirt, this did managed to feel like a great way to punish Seth Rollins without making Daniel Bryan into a bully by making him suffer for his sins.

Which leaves me to ask: why has Vince McMahon God forsaken us?

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