Victors, Spoiled

Raw Regurgitated, 11/24

Literally all of the interest I had in this Lee-Bella feud is now gone. Thanks a lot, Universe.
There’s no arguing anything at this point: Tyson Kidd is the hero we deserve. Or that Adam Rose vs. The Bunny is the feud we need to go have go away, quickly.

Seriously, this “A New Day” bullshit better be worth all the overt racism, or the WWE is going to be up shit creek without a paddle and nothing will ever be more their fault than that. Literally the only imaginable saving grace in this instance would be if these three young African-Americans are shown to be positive role models in the community while just happening to be black. But, given the evidence, it’s going to be one step up from an updated minstrel show. And by updated minstrel show, I mean “Cryme Tyme”. Please prove me wrong, WWE. Please.

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