As I mentioned earlier, if the argument is that we should probably not be force feeding patriotism to an immigrant just because we can, then sure, absolutely this was a BAD segment. But if that only manifests itself as “making him and his girlfriend pledge allegiance to the flag” — a pledge which has about as much meaning for most people (your correspondent included) today as the rest of the morning announcements they listened to in elementary school — that’s the type of insanity that leads people to say stupid shit like “Hopefully what’s happening in Ferguson has the same effect on the WWE that the double murder + suicide by a previously beloved performer of his wife and young child did” because they have no perspective. It’s not as though he was forced to do literally anything other than say a couple of fundamentally meaningless sentences. And again, I get why this could might be offensive to some people, but those people probably see the pledge as fundamentally meaningless to begin with.
Speaking of which, Nunca Mais! (with, among other things, this Fandango-Justin Gabriel feud)
Logic in a Big Show turn? Sure, why not! What a good idea! Logic in a babyface turn from a monster who was stalking pretty blonde ladies? Sure, why not! What a good idea! Those two facing one other in a real life match without a spotter? Not sure why anyone would think that’s a good idea.
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