The worst part about the end of the Authority (for the time being) isn’t the absence of Stephanie, or even the reintroduction of [ref]SPOILER ALERT[/ref] the Anonymous Raw GM, but the fact that we may be subjected to the Larry The Cable Guy and his ilk for the foreseeable future. Even if the entire thing becomes a meta-commentary on what Raw means the a larger context of wrestling, that seems like a mighty big price to pay.
Also, seriously, there isn’t many things better than a storyline actually making sense both inside and outside of the ring the way that this MizDow storyline has. As Dr. Mrs. The Monarch would put it, “It works on a lot of levels”. This manages to give us all the enjoyment of a Marty Jannetty-Shawn Michaels feud, a Emma-Santino tag team and an episode of Community in a single bit. And you can’t teach that. (Sorry, wrong wonderful, life-affirming tag team!)
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