Victors, Spoiled

Raw Regurgitated, 11/24

This match should have been a lot more, as it had a lot more going for it. But with a shaky at best logic behind the booking, and with not even enough time to lick a stamp, let alone tell a story, this match was mailed in a way that the WWE should avoid presenting Ryback going forward. If they ever want him to be considered better than Goldberg, having him work match of actual length and substance is essential and maybe even mandatory.

Also essential is a better understanding by the announcers of Dean Ambrose’s character and motivations. They don’t have to be able to give an in-depth psychological profile on every performer, but something that goes beyond “he’s crazy/the lunatic fringe!” would go a long way.

Less essential? The interference by Wyatt without more explicit acknowledgement of his relationship with Harper. Having bad guys who used to team up, but separaed amicably to pursue other interests is the type of thing that helps build out a Universe filled with characters instead a loosely connected bunch of live stunt shows.

HAVING SAID THAT, the crowd genuinely booing at Bray is probably #BestForBusiness.

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