The Beard is Here

Raw Regurgitated, 8/5

“YES! YES! = YES!” almost makes the back of every other shirt the WWE has ruined with stupid words better. Almost.

What’s up with the arm padding? Did John Cena get a new tattoo to match Chris Jericho’s?

Seriously, the Shield being back in the main event is the best possible news for the WWE. And hopefully Reigns and Rollins have learned their lessons for doing whatever it is they may or may not have done according to rumors that may or may not have been confirmed by sources close to or with awareness of the situation.

Another thing no one wants to talk about: what happens when smarks realize that Daniel Bryan has Five Moves of Doom? Do they start rooting for Leo Kruger?

Once the RKO happened on Daniel Bryan, everyone had to know that there was going to be an attempted cash-in. Thankfully, the WWE’s Deus Ex Machina was there to double down on Regular Joes and help them out of the corner they booked themselves into! That’s how this movie ends, right? With Ben Stiller in a fat suit saying “f*cking Chuck Norris”? Right?

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