"What's The Worst That Could Happen?"

What’s the Worst That Could Happen: Battleground PPV

Remember that really great Rhodes Brothers/Shield match from last year where Dusty gave Dean the Bionic Elbow? That’s not happening this year, but it’s still Battleground Sunday (just in a completely different month less than a year later…anyways)! And, because we love you, we’re giving you some time with Angry Andy. Later, we’ll ponder “What’s the Worst That Could Happen?” with Nick. All of this (for free!) before we drop our world famous Bang for Your Buck PPV review in your lap on Monday morning (probably.)

How Wrestling Explains The World

How Wrestling Explains the World: Gilgamesh

With the Great YouTube Purge of 2014 making most of the work we do with Wrestlers of the Week somewhere between “impossible” and “totally and completely impossible”, we’ve decided to officially (quasi) retire the feature. In its place will be something we are calling Is Wrestling _____?, where we will attempt to make a connection between professional wrestling and something from the world outside of Kayfabe. We will try to post at least one thing per day, though we obviously can’t promise anything because we’re not so secretly the worst. And to start everything off, we’ll look at where it all — meaning, all of literature as we currently understand it — with the Epic of Gilgamesh.