The Rock
#TheNationWeek: Difference of Opinion
It’s the Final Day of #TheNationWeek. This is the twelfth installment in our patent-pending Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series. And we’re finishing everything off today with a Difference of Opinion (where JMS HQ hopefully doesn’t erupt in a giant race kerfuffle like that episode of Community.)
#TheNationWeek: Watch and Learn: Jimmy Uso – The Rock and Shawn Michaels
It’s #TheNationWeek at Juice Make Sugar, and we’ve decided to take a look at some young performers that reminds us of members of the stable that have come and gone before them, each of these guys has something to learn, and room to grow. For The Rock, Jimmy Uso will one day be looking to transition into super stardom the same way The Great One did.
#TheNationWeek: A Stable You Should Probably Know Better
It’s the First Day of #TheNationWeek. In celebration of this month’s Survivor Series, we’re taking a look at famous stables from the wonderful world of wrestling. This is the twelfth installment in our (patent-pending) Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series, and as always we’ll start by making The Nation a Stable You (Should) Probably Know Better.
#VarsityClubWeek Top 10 – Athletes That Translated
Because we’re wrestling journalists — and Buzzfeed contributors — we’ve decided that we needed to start creating a top ten list based on each Wrestler of the Week. We’ve decided to not include any criteria for the list, because we’ve been told by experts in the list-making field that it would just muddy our ability to explain why our list is right. This week, in honor of #VarsityClubWeek: the 10 Best Athletes Who Translated .