
Royal Rumble Predictions

It’s Headlock’d! The show that takes everything you loved about the past week in the WWE and throws it over the top faster than Santino. In this episode, it’s the Clusterfunk of the year, and we take a look at who’s going “way over the top”…see what we did there?

Bang For Your Buck PPV Reviews

Bang for Your Buck PPV Review: The 2013 TLC PPV

In the first step towards the unification of every single belt in the wrestling universe, Sunday night’s TLC PPV featured Kofi-Miz using the pre-show experts panel the way God intended, two separate 1-on-3 handicap matches and a titular title match for the new created WWEWHC 2.0 Super Belt.



There’s a lot of wrestling on TV every week, but only some of it is actually worth watching. That’s where Andy comes in: every week, he’ll break down the spoilers of all of WWE’s pre-taped shows to let you know what you should watch, and which segments and full shows you should skim or skip. This week, there’s a lot to love… if you’re REALLY into Ryback and/or using your remote to fast forward.