How Wrestling Explains The World

How Wrestling Explains the World: Goldeneye

This is a little feature we like to call “Is Wrestling _____?”, where we attempt to make a connection between professional wrestling and something from the world outside of Kayfabe. Today, we’ll look James Bond and the changing face of heroic nationalism.

Professional Wrestling

Juice Make Sugar Presents: #TheShieldWeek Top 10 List – Military Gimmicks

Because we’re wrestling journalists — and Buzzfeed contributors — we’ve decided that we needed to start creating a Top 10 list based on each Wrestler of the Week. We’ve decided to not include any criteria for the list, because we’ve been told by experts in the list-making field that it would just muddy our ability to explain why we are right. In honor of #TheShieldWeek: the Top 10 Military Gimmicks.