Professional Wrestling

#TheShieldWeek: Watch and Learn – Seth Rollins

It’s #TheShieldWeek at Juice Make Sugar, and we’re talking all things Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose. It’s hard to deny the dominance and success of The Shield. But like so many young stables that have come and gone before them, each of these guys has something to learn, and room to grow. For Seth Rollins, it could make the difference between a career in the midcard, and a reign at the top.

Andy's Angry

A Dishonorable Death

For some reason, Ring of Honor continues to try to put on iPPVs despite several miserable failures that hurt the product and its fans. And that makes Andy Angry.

Andy's Angry

Andy’s Not Angry: Meeting #Cesaro

It’s Day Three of #AntonioCesaroWeek, a celebration of all things Very European/Real American and the second installment of our patent-pending Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series. Today, we’re starting off with a special appearance by Relatively Happy Andy.

Essential Viewing

#CesaroWeek: Essential Viewing

It’s Day Two of #AntonioCesaroWeek, our celebration of all things Very European/Real American and the second installment of our (patent-pending) Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series. Today we’re bringing you the finer points of the Claudio Castagnoli oeuvre with some Essential Viewing.

A Wrestler You Should Probably Know Better

A Wrestler You Should Probably Know Better: Cesaro

It’s the First Day of #AntonioCesaroWeek, a celebration of all things Very European/Real American and the second installment of our (patent-pending) Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series. Today, we start with making Cesaro A Wrestler You (Should) Probably Know Better.