A Wrestler You Should Probably Know Better

#JCPWCWWeek: Essentially Viewing A Promotion You Should Probably Know Better, Part One

After having so much fun with the stables last month in celebration of the Survivor Series, we’ve decided to turn this December — and all Decembers in perpetuity — into Promotions Month. For a curtain jerker, we have WCW and its predecessor, Jim Crockett Promotions. This is the First Day of #JCPWCWWeek, the fourteenth installment of our (patent-pending) Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week Series, and we’re going to mix it up, by making JCP and WCW a Promotion You (Should) Probably Know Better in two parts. Here’s Part One.

Difference of Opinion

#HorsemenWeek: Difference of Opinion

It’s the Final Day of #4HorsemenWeek. In celebration of this month’s Survivor Series, we’re taking a look at famous stables from the wonderful world of wrestling. This is the thirteenth installment in our patent-pending Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series. Today, we have an actual Difference of Opinion (and not, as suspected, just a celebration of the Horsemen’s specific brand of awesome.)

Professional Wrestling

#VarsityClubWeek Top 10 – Athletes That Translated

Because we’re wrestling journalists — and Buzzfeed contributors — we’ve decided that we needed to start creating a top ten list based on each Wrestler of the Week. We’ve decided to not include any criteria for the list, because we’ve been told by experts in the list-making field that it would just muddy our ability to explain why our list is right. This week, in honor of #VarsityClubWeek: the 10 Best Athletes Who Translated .

Essential Viewing

#HBKWeek: Essential Viewing

It’s Day Two of #ShawnMichaelsWeek, a celebration of all things HBK and the eighth installment in our patent-pending Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series. Today we give you the finer points of the Michael Hickenbottom oeuvre with some Essential Viewing.

Andy's Angry

Good Ol’ JR, Bad Ol’ Vince

The voice of the WWE and the best play-by-play man in the history of the business should have been able to leave the company and the industry on his own terms. He wasn’t and that makes Andy Angry.