Fantasy Booking Fantasy Booking: Money in the Bank (2018) June 15, 2018 Nick Bond Comments Off on Fantasy Booking: Money in the Bank (2018)
Raw Regurgitated Old Friends, New Enemies February 4, 2014 Nick Bond 5 Will Daniel Bryan be the New Face of the WWE? Will The Shield make it through the night? Will Cody kick Goldust’s leg out of his leg? Raw Regurgitated, on the internet, just for you!
Headlock'd The Hall of Fame Induction of the Ultimate Warrior January 20, 2014 Noah Waterman 2 This week we discuss Warrior joining the Hall of Fame, Sting in talks with the WWE and the amazing life of Mae Young.
Andy's Angry Where Do We Go Now? December 21, 2013 Andy Miller 3 Andy is less Angry as the holidays approach, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t interested in just what the heck is going to happen next year.
Professional Wrestling Spoiler Alert with "Angry" Andy (11/27-11/29) November 27, 2013 Andy Miller 1 This week, WWE lays the groundwork for some questionable storylines, and hopes you can stomach a holiday-themed Smackdown!