“Macho Man” Randy Savage

#JCPWCWWeek: Essentially Viewing A Promotion You Should Probably Know Better, Part One
After having so much fun with the stables last month in celebration of the Survivor Series, we’ve decided to turn this December — and all Decembers in perpetuity — into Promotions Month. For a curtain jerker, we have WCW and its predecessor, Jim Crockett Promotions. This is the First Day of #JCPWCWWeek, the fourteenth installment of our (patent-pending) Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week Series, and we’re going to mix it up, by making JCP and WCW a Promotion You (Should) Probably Know Better in two parts. Here’s Part One.
#VarsityClubWeek Top 10 – Athletes That Translated
Because we’re wrestling journalists — and Buzzfeed contributors — we’ve decided that we needed to start creating a top ten list based on each Wrestler of the Week. We’ve decided to not include any criteria for the list, because we’ve been told by experts in the list-making field that it would just muddy our ability to explain why our list is right. This week, in honor of #VarsityClubWeek: the 10 Best Athletes Who Translated .