(spoilers via LordsOfPain.net)

Alberto Del Rio d R-Truth in what’s described as a good match, with lots of near falls.  These are the kinds of matches that make me LOVE Main Event.  As directionless as Del Rio is, and as heatless as he seems to be, he needs to win these matches… even if no one ever really sees them.

Natalya d Tamina Snuka.  Natty gets the win via roll-up, after ducking a Samoan super kick.  AJ and Tamina beat down Natalya until Naomi and Cameron make the save.

Big E Langston & The Usos d 3MB.  In a perfect world, this is a total squash.  Big E looks like a serious threat, and The Usos show off some flashy moves to make the crowd go crazy.  3MB should make these guys look like gold, and be happy to do so – since they’re finally putting over actual wrestlers.

WATCH THIS SHOW.  The opener sounds solid.  The closer has potential.  And if you’re into Divas matches, this one should do the trick.  Everyone complaining about not getting what they want at the Rumble should get it here.

WWE Superstars

(spoilers via ProWrestling.com)

Natalya d Summer Rae.  While I’m not psyched about the outcome, let’s face it.  These are the matches both of these ladies need to be having.  Natty isn’t over enough to be competing for the title nonstop, but she is hella-talented.  She should be working with the younger/newer divas, to get them polished enough for the main stage.  As for the future Mrs. Angry Andy, she needs legitimate competition, so she isn’t stuck dancing around the ring until the bell rings.

Everyone wins here.

Los Matadores d 3MB. 3MB is represented by Drew and Jinder.  Anyone who regularly watches Superstars wonders what they’ve done to deserve this match on a near-weekly basis, as do the talents involved.

SKIM OR SKIP THIS SHOW.  I’ll leave it up to you.  The Divas match should be ok, but nothing special.  Same with the main.  It’s probably all perfectly acceptable wrestling.  But if you’re not invested in these characters, this show may feel like little more than a big waste of time.

(Spoilers via LordsOfPain.net)

The Shield isn’t happy about losing its half of the spots in the Elimination Chamber title match.  They talk about eliminating each other from the Rumble, before Seth Rollins turns the group’s attention to the Wyatt Family.  They’re going to kill the Wyatts, so here come Vickie and Triple H.  Trips announces The Shield vs The Wyatts for the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view.

Antonio Cesaro d Dolph Ziggler to earn a spot in the Elimination Chamber match.  That means ANTONIO FREAKIN’ CESARO is going to get a WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH on PAY-PER-VIEW.  Oh, and this is said to be a really great match, too.

Fandango d Xavier Woods.  The midcard would probably have a lot more direction if these guys had something to, you know, fight for.  Perhaps the United States title, which seems long forgotten around Dean Ambrose’s waist.

Curtis Axel & Ryback d The Prime Time Players.  Titus doesn’t break up the pinfall when Young is pinned.  He says he’s tired of feeling like a loser. He came to WWE to be champion.  Titus beats down Darren Young, turning heel.  Remember how well that worked out for JTG and Shad?  For that matter, do you even remember JTG and Shad?

Christian d Jack Swagger to earn the final spot in the chamber match.  So he gets his trademark “one more match” despite doing absolutely nothing to earn it.  I can think of at least a dozen guys who deserve the spot more than Christian: Damien Sandow, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Roman Reigns, Big E Langston, Bray Wyatt, Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio, Sin Hunicara, Ryback, CM Pu..oh wait.  You get the idea, though.  You get one guess as to the first person eliminated in this bad boy.

Kofi Kingston d Damien Sandow in a match that should have been for a Chamber spot.

Renee Young interviews Christian. He says he’s desperate and close to becoming WWE World Heavyweight Champion.  I think I’ve got a better shot than he does.

Cody Rhodes d Road Dogg.  Billy Gun and Goldust are at ringside.  I’m still waiting for Goldust to kick Cody’s leg out of his leg.  After the Rumble, it has to happen.  Right?

The Wyatt Family cuts a promo on the titantron before our main event.  Apparently, Luke Harper speaks.  This should be lovely.

The Shield d Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, and Rey Mysterio when Roman Reigns hits Rey Mysterio with a spear.  I’ll be rewinding and replaying that spot a few times.

WATCH THIS SHOW.  Important things are happening, in the build to the Elimination Chamber as well as the Road to Wrestlemania, and you’d be a fool to miss it.

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