Round 1 Match
Rick Cataldo vs. Brooke Danielle
Rick’s second appearance also featured his second outfit — a leopard print bodysuit. He is just over-the-top enough that I can’t help but love the guy.
This one was all Rick for a while. They traded slaps, chops and forearms. Brooke mounts her comeback and hits a spear. When she goes for another one, Rick sends her face-first into the corner, winning with a roll-up with his feet on the ropes.
What I liked: Rick said earlier that he wants his title, and he pretty much plowed through Brooke here to get it back. He beat up and stole a win from the babyface.
What made me angry: Rick has the storyline, and I’ve never seen Brooke wrestle in NYWC. So unless this was going to be a big story-starting surprise victory, there was only one way for this match to end.
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