First things first, former NYWC starlet Brittany Savage made her return. She’s not wrestling tonight, but she’ll be running the show as commissioner. She introduces the women taking part in tonight’s tournament to crown a new Starlet Champion. They come out, one by one, and then head to the back. In a perfect world, they probably should have had something to leave on. Faces chasing heels, something… because the exit was kind of awkward.
The ring clears, leaving just Savage and her personal security guard. Out comes J-Redd. He continues his misogynistic routine from last month’s show, throwing Savage a mop and bucket and telling her to get to work. He tells her that he’s got better hair, better skin, and calls her “Commissioner Ratchet,” which got a big pop from me. Savage’s personal security guard chokes J-Redd out, and tosses him out, not to be seen again for the rest of the show.
Out comes Rick Cataldo, in a dress. He freaks out on Savage, saying he wants his title back. Savage says he can earn his way into the tournament, if he can win a qualifying match.
Qualifying Match
Rick Cataldo vs. Lexa Rose
Lexa Rose makes her NYWC debut. She cuts a short promo about wanting to become champion, and make something of herself. The match itself was short, sweet, and to the point. They had a little bit of a catfight brawl, rolling around the ring and over the referee. That’s always a fun spot. There was also a point where both competitors were trading blows, while doing splits. Ouch. Rick won shortly after.
What I liked: The best way to debut a new babyface is against a well-established heel, so this worked. Lexa looked good in defeat. Rick was solid too — both in-ring, and in-character. I crack up listening to him interact with the crowd.
What made me angry: The opening talk segments felt like they took forever, without accomplishing enough along the way. A 2-minute video package could have been way more productive than the “introducing all the girls” segment.
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