NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Tour de Circus"

NYWC Tag Team Championship Match

Milk Chocolate © vs. Team Tremendous

I was really excited for this match.  Milk Chocolate are talented young guys, and Team Tremendous are just as talented as they are entertaining.  I knew going in that this was going to be good.

There was a great false finish with Dan Barry hitting his old Irish Car Bomb finisher on Watts and a double cover.

Another big false finish saw Milk Chocolate hit Barry with their powerbomb/backstabber move.  Finish sees Team Tremendous hit their Doomsday Device-style Sliced Bread #2.   New tag champs!

After the match, two guys dressed in Santa costumes hop the barricade to celebrate with Team Tremendous. Santas attack, because they’re actually the Juicy Product.  David Starr cuts a great promo about how they never lost the belts, and want a title shot.  Team Tremendous say let’s do it now…but Juicy Product say they’ll wait for Psycho Circus.

What I liked: Great match, great surprise title change, great surprise return post-match, with a great brawl. I’m very excited to have the Juicy Product back on the shows. I’m very excited to see Juicy Product vs. Team Tremendous.  I’m curious to see what’s next going forward for Milk Chocolate.

What made me angry: I’m all for clever crowd chants, but the “I can’t breathe” chant while Brandon Watts was in a chokehold?  Come on.

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