Chainsaw Joe Gacy vs. J-Ro
This was one of just a handful of advertised matches for this show. I dig both guys, but wasn’t sure how I felt going into the match. It was alright while it lasted. Turns out this one was more about the post-match angle than the match itself.
The big heel stable that came together last month runs in and kills both guys. Vitko grabs the mic and announces they are the Seven Deadly Sinners. He absolutely destroys the lady in the front row who was giving him a hard time, which got a big pop out of me. Then Vitko goes on to say that someone in the group has not been pulling their weight.
Somewhere along the line, Mega snuck into the ring, just in time for Vitko to call out Joey Conway, who Mega kills with a chokeslam.
Stockade grabs the mic and runs down Anthony Lacerra and Jabali Jr. He calls them green, and says they don’t belong in the ring with him. Cue the music.
Stockade and Apollyon vs. Anthony Lacerra and Jabali Jr.
This wasn’t a squash, but it was definitely one hell of a dominant performance by the heels. Stockade and Apollyon are big dudes, but they’re absolute work horses. They also make me glad that I’ll likely never take a chop, because god damn. But now that I’ve said that…
Anyway, Stockade and Apollyon dominate, and take the match with a big double team move and a double-pin.
What I liked: Stockade and Apollyon (and the rest of the group, for that matter) looked really strong in the build toward Psycho Circus. Really good promos, especially by Vitko. Everyone here is pulling their weight, big time, which is all you can really ask for. Also, while this segment was two matches and a promo, it didn’t feel long and it never dragged, which is definitely a good thing.
What made me angry: Again, nothing here too offensive, but there was definitely a rough spot or two in the J-Ro Gacy match. Also, while I got a kick out of the response to the lady in the front row, there may have been a little too much attention paid to her.
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