NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Tour de Circus"

The A-Listers music starts the show, which is always a good thing in my book. They have such a satisfying mix of talent and charisma, and they do a great job of pumping up the crowd. Alvin starts a promo by introducing the whole stable, one-by-one, before announcing that 2015 will be the year of the A-Listers. He promises the team will win gold in 2015, which gives the group a new story going forward. Good.

Alvin then announces the A-Listers were set for a six-man tag, but that Eddie Guapo and Cooley K didn’t make it.  Grim Reefer comes out solo, and is soon joined by Monsta Mack, leading to…

Monsta Mack & Grim Reefer vs. Cono, J-Redd & Ultimo Maya

This was a fun opener.  I’ve gone on and on about how much I enjoy The A-Listers, as well as Grim Reefer.  I won’t do that here.  Instead, I’ll mention how it’s nice to see Monsta Mack back in NYWC and doing his thing…even breaking out a big dive here.  A-Listers eventually steal the win knocking Reefer off the apron, and doing the old “suplex into the ring reversed into a pin while the guy on the outside holds your legs down” spot.  You know the one.

What I liked: The prematch promo worked.  A-Listers’ antics are always fun. The action was mostly good.  Reefer busted out some really creative offense. I’m excited to see what’s in store for the A-Listers after the Pyscho Circus.

What made me angry: There were a few sloppy parts to this match. Not enough to make it bad, but enough to say “maybe we shouldn’t do that spot again next time.”

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