NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Tour de Circus"

 Rex Lawless & The Big O vs Blake Morris & DJ Hyde

Lots of stalling to start this one. Big O wanted Morris, but Morris wouldn’t stay in the ring if O was legal.  At one point, Hyde told O he banged his mom the night before, then pointed her out in the crowd. Deej is awesome. All hell breaks loose until we get a ref bump.  Mike Mondo runs back in and kills Rex with a chair.  DJ Hyde hits Big O with a lariat and throws Morris on top for the three-count.

What I liked: This wasn’t exactly match of the night for me, but it did its job. The guys involved were wonderfully intense, and made this match feel a lot more important than it felt at the start. Finish was effective, and kept a couple of storylines moving forward.

What made me angry: The stalling at the top was a bit much, to the point where my buddy had time to go outside and smoke a cigarette, and didn’t so much as miss a lockup.

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