NYWC: Angry Andy (And Nick!) Review April Reign

Starlet Championship Match

Sammy Pickles (c) vs. J-Redd

This was the first match after intermission, and it was the best possible match for this spot on the card. The crowd loves Sammy, and always reacts to her. J-Redd is very charismatic on his own. He knows how to find the fans with the best reactions in the crowd, react to them as a heel, and respond in a way that gets the rest of the crowd engaged, too.

As for the match itself… Everything looked crisp, albeit sometimes a little bit slow. Big spot of the match saw Sammy hit a dive from the inside into the first row.  Sammy retains the Starlet Championship with a sunset flip powerbomb, seemingly ending the J-Redd vs. the Starlets feud.

With Chrissy Rivera and Brooke Danielle turning heel, Aria waiting in the wings, and the possibility of a few returning guests… Sammy has a lot of legitimate contenders and solid matches lined up. Stay tuned.

Nick says: I liked the pickle, and was happy to make as many Kid Rock jokes as I was legally entitled to, but this match felt (as Andy said) like it was moving a bit in slow motion. The story being told was good, J-Redd has a genuinely remarkable amount of charisma to go with a bit of a sixth sense when it comes to engaging the fans and Pickles (both the performer and the character) seems to be both over and somewhat developed, but a lot of her appeal beyond that was lost on me personally. Obviously she has something going for her beyond her overness — or she likely wouldn’t be Starlet champion — but it just didn’t get me this time. There’s, of course, always next month!

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