NYWC: Angry Andy (And Nick!) Review April Reign

 Fusion Title Tournament Qualifying Match

J-Ro vs. David Starr

Two performers I like, mixing it up together with something on the line? Game on.

J-Ro wins with an implant ddt. The match wasn’t perfect, but there were a lot of cool spots. Best was probably J-Ro going for a big top rope ‘rana, and Starr reversing into a powerbomb. Good stuff from both guys.

Nick says: This was unequivocally my favorite match of the night. David Starr is, well, a star(r) on any stage and was so on point that I even bought his t-shirt (and not just for the sublime nature of its c*ck joke.) For rather obvious reasons — neither are necessarily full-time characters within the larger context of the company — this felt somewhat disconnected from the rest of the show, but in the way an appearance by ROH performers at a PWG show would. I’d pay to see either of these guys go again, and will likely keep my eye out for them going forward. Would especially recommend to people who like Joey Ryan but are bothered by how much he looks like me without my shirt on.

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