NYWC: Angry Andy (And Nick!) Review April Reign

Ultimo Maya & Alvin Alvarez vs. Joe Ettell & Mike Verna

I’ve mentioned how much I love the A-Listers, right? Just in case you’ve missed, I don’t know, every review I’ve written since the stable came together. They’ve done great with their schtick and promos. Tonight, I felt Alvin and Maya really came together as a team in the ring, hitting a couple of pretty good, well-timed double team spots. Verna’s got the look, and he seems to have the skills.

This was a pretty standard tag team match, up until Ettell scored the win with the roll-up. After the bell, the A-Listers beat down the babyfaces 4-on-2, until a returning Talon made the save. I’m betting on a 6-man tag for next month.

Nick says: These guys all had style and characters — and clear relationship dynamics — that instantly draw you in despite, in my case, having no clue who anyone in the ring was. Verna looks like a WWE development prospect in the best way possible,  and his partner Joe Ettell (despite apparently being a Yankees fan, which BLECH) kept apace with him.

As for the A-Listers, that’s the kind of stable you dream about being a part of.

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