Here Comes Stockade
Jason kicks off the show as usual, but doesn’t get to say much before he’s interrupted by Stockade, Vitko and Crusher Doogan. Stockade gets on the stick and talks about how The Big O is a false leader, and the fans wearing his shirt are sheep. A fan in the crowd was holding a sign saying “Eat, Sleep, Eat, Repeat.” Stockade didn’t find it funny. He left the ring, got in the fan’s face… then pulled him over the barricade and unleashed. The locker room emptied to hold Stockade back. Security pulled the fan out of the building and accidentally put him through a wall by the door. Stockade is ejected next. It’s announced that Apollyon will replace Stockade in the main event, teaming with Casanova Valentine to take on The Big O and Anthony Lacerra.
This segment was awesome. In a world where a lot of things feel fake (sorry to use the “f” word) this felt REAL. The little kids sitting near Nick and me were quick to tell their parents that this was real. They all looked blown away. I’m sure I did too.
Nick says: Despite the fan being a plant not exactly being a surprise if you knew what you were looking for — he was by far the best looking, most well-built person in the audience and, more importantly, didn’t look like a total goober getting pulled over the guardrail — he fit in just enough it, as Andy notes, to make people who have lives not see through his clever ruse. And, honestly, the hole in the wall they put the kid through was almost worth the price of admission itself.
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