NYWC: Angry Andy (And Nick!) Review April Reign

I’ll be honest – looking at this card on paper (read: my computer screen,) I didn’t really expect much. It’s not that anything sounded bad, because it didn’t. But there was nothing here that jumped off the page and screamed “this is going to be awesome.”

I was wrong.

This card really delivered in a big way. Opener to main event, there wasn’t a bad match on the show. There was some really good storyline progression, a couple of really big angles, and tons of incentive to make sure you don’t miss the next show.

The problem for me is… I’m supposed to be angry in these reviews. There really wasn’t much I didn’t like, so that part of the gimmick is on hiatus. I’ll still have some constructive criticisms, but nothing too over the top.

For the first time ever, Nick made a show with me, so he’s going to pitch in on this review, and give his POV where applicable. Nick and I love wrestling, but watch it very differently… so it should be interesting to see what he responds to.

That’s enough about the review. Let’s get to it already, shall we?

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