NXT Scouting Report, 11/20: The Proof is in the Pudding

While NXT is often the second (and sometimes THE) best show WWE produces, its primary goal is to make future superstars for the main roster. Each week we’ll scout each performer, and assess a percentage for how close they are to promotion. Due to the fluidity movement between shows (i.e. Tyson Kidd is on every show) – 100% = ready to be promoted, and any higher percentage reflects where their position should be throughout the company.


While I understand that this match’s goal was primarily a setup for what comes next month at Evolution, but I can’t help be that asshole internet smark and ask: who does this help? An apron distraction + tights assisted roll-up is technically a heelish move, but is it enough to get more heat for Team BAE? It’s just so Raw, and I expect more considering the time  and care women’s segments normally get. I need better reasons to hate Becky Lynch than a maneuver that barely tingles the despicable meter.

Bayley did get plenty of strong offense in here, and that’s the best thing for her going forward. She’s got the crowd support, the entrance, and the distinctive personality. Now all that’s left is consistent and credible offensive fire and she’s all the way there. Some fans are concerned her “Hug Industrial Complex” character won’t work on the main roster. That’s a legit worry, as we’ve seen with Emma, nuanced Divas are a tough sell. Let’s hope she doesn’t get labeled “Lady Eugene” once she’s on Raw.

Bayley – 90%
Becky Lynch – 35%

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