#KOWeek – Angry Andy’s Top 10 Main Roster Opponents for Kevin Owens


1. Sami Zayn

I know what you’re thinking, right now. “Andy, we’ve seen this already. We saw it on the indies. We saw it on NXT. How could this possibly be your number one pick?” Well, ya Mark, let me explain.

If you paid attention to this week’s Essential Viewing, or if you’ve watched literally anything Kevin Owens has done since arriving in WWE… you know a couple of things to be undeniably true. For starters, these two men have amazing chemistry together, both as tag team partners and opponents. Secondly, you’d know that these guys have absolutely brutal, yet amazing matches together. Sami Zayn is a masterful underdog babyface, and Kevin Owens is a fantastic big-bruiser heel.

Now, take that dynamic, and bring it to the main stage. Have a fully-recovered Sami Zayn cost Kevin Owens his chance at a WrestleMania main event by eliminating him from the Royal Rumble. Have them square off, inconclusively, at Fast Lane. Then have them square off, with the United States title on the line, at Wrestle Mania.

It’d be magic, and you know it. Now start tweeting, buy your Zayn/Owens merch, and make it happen.


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