Okay, so that’s probably a little bit much.
This is the beginning of the NEW ERA (not that NEW ERA…. or that one) of Juice Make Sugar. After having the previous version of the site completely wiped out by idiotic hosting providers (and unable to resurrect the archives), I’ve decided to resurrect the site from scratch, using my improved (albeit still minimal) graphic skills to make the site look nicer than it used to while bringing back a lot of the features that I enjoyed doing on the site originally.
Things like The Wrestler of the Week, the JMS Renew Review (nee Bang for Your Buck review) and Fantasy Booking (the post category formerly known as What’s The Worst That Could Happen) previews will all be back, along with things like reviews of “classic” — in the sense they are old, if not necessarily in the sense they were “good” — shows from the history of wrestling, a lot of Kayfabemetrics and maybe even some news analysis and interviews (no promises on those, however).
The site will also, at some point, feature a great deal of stats on the backend and some partnerships with other sites and blogs/newsletter. The goal is to create a community around this site and #InternetWrestlingWriting in general that will propel the art of writing about the most beautiful dumb thing that humans have ever created to where it belongs.