Andy's Angry

Good Ol’ JR, Bad Ol’ Vince

The voice of the WWE and the best play-by-play man in the history of the business should have been able to leave the company and the industry on his own terms. He wasn’t and that makes Andy Angry.

Andy's Angry

Andy’s Not Angry: Meeting #Cesaro

It’s Day Three of #AntonioCesaroWeek, a celebration of all things Very European/Real American and the second installment of our patent-pending Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series. Today, we’re starting off with a special appearance by Relatively Happy Andy.

Professional Wrestling

Bound for “Who Cares?”: The AJ Styles Story

Any World Heavyweight Title is designed to be the ultimate culmination of a wrestler’s heroic journey. So, why even in doing the right thing and putting the right person in position to knock off the man who has been the company’s top heel for the last year, has TNA done the sloppiest possible job of telling the tidiest, most archetypical story in existence?

Andy's Angry

Smart Fans and Stupid Bumps

Yet another underpaid and overworked independent wrestler got hurt recently, taking a bump he didn’t need to take for a group of fans who didn’t really care and definitely didn’t need to see it. And that makes Andy Angry.

Andy's Angry

An SOS for Kofi Kingston

After getting knocked out of action a few months ago “by” Ryback, Kofi Kingston has done nothing since his … feud with Randy Orton. 4 YEARS AGO. And that makes Andy Angry.

Andy's Angry

Angry Andy Goes To SummerSlam

While many of the builds for SummerSlam have worked on some level, beyond “winning” a series of awkward break-ups, it feels like almost nothing is in the line on this Sunday. And that makes Andy Angry.