Take everything I said about the Knockouts division, and apply it to the X-division. It fits, and then some.
The X-division was the BEST thing about TNA for a very long time. Forget the six-sided ring, the X-division was THE identity of TNA. AJ Styles vs Chris Daniels vs Samoa Joe headlined pay-per-views. Elix Skipper’s ‘rana off the top of a cage was a highlight reel moment for YEARS. It showcased an incredible segment of the wrestling talent pool that would NEVER get a fair shake in WWE.
Now? Your entire x-division consists of Senada, Tigre Uno, DJ Z, Ausitn Aries (sometimes), Manik (sometimes), and….
That’s it? Oh dear god.
You know who does the X-division right? Ring of Honor. With their entire roster.
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