Andy’s Angry: The (rumored) Death of Impact Wrestling

tna knockouts

When TNA got hot, it was thanks in large part to the Knockouts division.  WWE was super lazy in the way it presented its women, so TNA did something smart – it featured its women wrestlers as legitimate stars, and legitimate wrestlers.

The women started drawing the highest ratings of the show.  It’s not a coincidence.

Over time, the division crumbled.  The luster faded.  Now, there’s almost nothing left.  The company is rehashing The Beautiful People as a last-ditch effort to make the division relevant again.  Meanwhile, WWE is featuring 6-10 women on every show, where every woman has a gimmick and a role moving forward.

That’s a role reversal TNA couldn’t afford, but it happened.  Enjoy your latest combination of ODB, Gail Kim, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, and Madison Rayne.

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