Andy’s Angry: Bad Luck Bryan and Sharing the Spotlight, Life After WWE, & the Return to Six Sides

jtg canned
So… there were a bunch of releases since we last met, and rumor has it, there are more on the way.  That sucks.  It’s never good to see people lose their jobs, especially when you know how hard they’ve worked to get and stay there.
For some of those released, this is probably the end of the road.  For others, it’s a new beginning.  Let’s break it down, shall we?

Drew McIntyre: I feel so bad for this guy. He’s got the look. He’s got the charisma. He’s got the talent. But he never got the crowd.  WWE told us he was the chosen one, and shoved him down our throats…and the crowd voted “no thanks.”  Now, he’s got the stink of 3MB, which isn’t exactly a bad thing on the indies and the convention circuit, but it’s probably a death sentence if he expects to ever be taken seriously at the major league level.  There’s still a chance Drew’s best days are yet to come. What’s Jarrett up to, anyway?

Jinder Mahal: 3MB kept his career on life support for a long time.  I can see him popping up at the conventions, and those “COME SEE GUYS YOU SORTA REMEMBER FROM TV” indy feds, but that’s about it.  I hope Jinder has plans for life after wrestling, because…you know.

Aksana: My Lithuanian princess… this one is kind of heartbreaking for me.  Not because I’ll miss her talent, but because she was different.  She looked different, her “gimmick” was different… it was a nice change of pace.  But I guess WWE only needs one Eastern European heel diva, and Lana DEFINITELY has that spot on lockdown.  Anyway, Aksana really sucked in the ring, so there’s no way she’s going to do anything good on the indies.  Look for her at ringside, conventions, and then to disappear into the sunset. I’ll miss you.

Curt Hawkins: I guess he saw the writing on the wall, having recently opened his own wrestling school (with former WWE developmental talent Pat Buck) in Hicksville, Long Island.  Both are good hands, so the Create A Pro school should do alright.  It’s got some serious, well-established competition on LI, however, with NYWC leading the pack.  Anyway, besides training a new crop of guys, Hawkins is still young in the game.  Don’t be surprised to see him at your bigger “WE USE TV NAMES” indies, and an eventual reunion with the Long Island Iced Z.  He’ll double his payday, and thank Zack Ryder for coming.

Teddy Long: Great run.  I’d expect the occasional cameo appearance, and a lot of autograph signings.  Holla.

Camacho: Camacho never clicked for me. I won’t be upset if he gets another shot down the road, but only if he follows in his father’s footsteps, by traveling the world and honing his craft. Otherwise, I wish him well in his future (non-wrestling) endeavors.

Brodus Clay: He got some mileage out of a dated gimmick. I thought WWE could have done a lot better with his heel turn, and I’ve written as much in the past.  Either this guy better hope Japan is looking for some new heel Gaijins, or that Snoop wants his old bodyguard back.  Another guy to expect at those ex-WWE indy feds.

Evan Bourne: I just don’t understand the thinking here.  Even Bourne is super talented.  A couple of years ago, he may have been an awkward fit.  Now? Workrate is running the show, and NXT is full of Evan Bourne dream matches.  Letting him go is a huge mistake.  They may as well have wrapped him up and put a bow on him, and delivered him directly to TNA, ROH, GFW, or New Japan.

Yoshi Tatsu: At 37, I don’t see much of a future in the business for Yoshi Tatsu.  Sad but true.  Unless he opens a school, I really don’t see many options for Yoshi Tatsu in the American wrestling scene. No lucrative ones, at least.

Marc Harris: When you blame others for your own shortcomings, you get what you deserve. Enjoy life after wrestling. Here’s hoping you’re better at whatever you do next, than you were as a referee.

JTG: This guy has been a punchline for a long time.  He’s been burned by WWE, so I can understand if he leaves the business for good.  He doesn’t have to, since he actually has some talent. If he decides he has something to prove, he’ll do well on the indies, or as a midcarder for TNA, or GFW. Otherwise, he’ll be off to work on something else…and probably complain about his payoffs on Twitter.

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