Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker
The buildup to this match has been fascinating… especially with Brock as the face, and Undertaker as the heel. I’m excited that WWE is allowing the fans to embrace Brock the way they clearly want to, and allowing Paul Heyman to quite literally sing his praises.
I’ll be angry if: Taker wins clean. He can win, but it’s going to have to be by nefarious
I’ll keep my cool if: Lesnar wins, or gets cheated out of victory, leading to an “anything goes” style rubber match… maybe at Hell in a Cell.
I’m expecting…: Dick kicks, and MMA-inspired submission holds.
If I booked it: Undertaker turns off Brock’s GPS, and avoids a one-way trip to Suplex City… thus earning himself the most legitimate heel heat of anyone on the show. Taker wins by making Brock bleed, and hitting him with several Tombstone piledrivers.
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