Randy Orton vs. Sheamus
Two of the best workers in the company, whether or not we care to admit it. Randy Orton is doing some of the best work of his career, with the simple gimmick of “Hey, I’m Randy Orton, and I’m an awesome fucking wrestling.” Sheamus is in his absolute glory as a douchebag heel who likes to kill the wrestlers you care about.
It’s pretty fantastic, honestly.
This match will be really good, though somewhat forgettable. I’d expect a pretty cool finish spot, a la the WrestleMania RKO eaten by Seth Rollins, to end this match, but don’t expect to remember much else.
I’ll be angry if: The smart mark Brooklyn crowd decides to shit on this match. Also, if Sheamus wins.
I’ll keep my cool if: The crowd pays attention to and appreciates this match. Orton wins.
I’m expecting…: Sheamus wins.
If I booked it: Orton wins, without it setting up a Sheamus cash-in in the main event.
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