Naomi & Tamina Snuka vs Nikki & Brie Bella
This match should be pretty good. Naomi is incredible athletic. Nikki has become a beast in the ring. Brie has gotten really good at the sympathetic babyface role. Tamina is one of the best “Diesel”-type bodyguards WWE has produced since Batista.
By all means, this should be a pretty solid match. Yet, I’m really, REALLY not excited about it. Part of me really expects the crowd to blow this match off. I expect a quiet crowd, or a disrespectful one. I hope I’m wrong. I hope I’m pleasantly surprised. If so, this has potential to be really good. If not…
I’ll be angry if: “You suck (boyfriend’s name)” chants break out,
I’ll keep my cool if: The crowd shows a little respect and let’s these four talented ladies do their things.
I’m expecting: The outcome of the match doesn’t really matter, since the belt isn’t on the line. I say Naomi takes the win over Nikki. Crowd warms up slowly, but they get there.
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