Andy Will Be Angry If…: WWE Battleground Edition

Truth BNB

R-Truth vs. King Barrett

Kickoff Show

I hate this feud in more ways than I can possibly type. This feud has done everything to discredit and minimize King Barrett, while putting over a guy in his mid-40’s, with a very low ceiling for star power. It makes no sense.

If there’s any good thing about this feud, it was the promo Barrett cut on Smackdown, following a match with former World Heavyweight champion, Jack Swagger.

If nothing else, Barrett was able to convey the fact that he earned the crown, has been treated like a joke since, but is going to reverse his fortunes. It has to start with R-Truth. It has to start with Barrett beating Truth decisively and emphatically.

I’ll be angry if: R-Truth wins.

I’ll keep my cool if: Barrett wins, and then begins to gain momentum again, as either a heel or a face, with a steady push.

I’m expecting…: Barrett wins, but it doesn’t mean anything, because WWE continues his stop-and-go push in a way that makes the once-rabid crowd continue to shrug its shoulders at the King of Bad News.

If I booked it: Barrett would jump Truth pre-match, and kick his ass mercilessly, before hitting the Winds of Change, Wasteland AND a Bull Hammer. Barrett begins working his way up the card again, working good matches and earning meaningful wins.

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