Andy Will Be Angry If…: NXT Takeover R Evolution Edition

Chikara’s Tomorrow Never Dies, Ring of Honor’s Final Battle, WWE’s Tables, Ladders & Chairs…and Stairs… there’s a ton of big wrestling shows to watch this week, if you know where to look. And that’s on top of all of your regularly scheduled programming, like Raw, Smackdown, and the beautifully ironic “best of” episodes of iMPACT.  But there’s one two-hour broadcast I’ve been looking forward to, more than any other.

And it doesn’t feature a single “main roster” performer.

NXT Takeover: R Evolution may have a terrible name, but the card looks as good or better than anything I mentioned above, with the added benefit of WWE’s top-notch production.  What more could you ask for?

Enzo and Big Cass.  You could ask for Enzo and Big Cass.  I really hope we get some surprise Enzo and Big Cass.  How you doin’?

Kickoff Show

Pre Show
So, Corey Graves is coming back for the pre-show.  He’s expected to make an announcement of some sort.  After months on the sidelines due to complications from concussions, I’m expecting one of two things: he’s returning, or he’s retiring from in-ring competition.

I’ll be angry if: Graves is returning. While I don’t wish permanent injury on anyone (well, not anyone on the WWE payroll), I just don’t want to see Graves return. I didn’t like him as Sterling James Keenan, I don’t like him yelling “STAY DOWN” while showing his stupid knuckle tattoos. And I don’t like his chances of keeping up with the world-class talent roster that has taken over NXT.

I’ll keep my cool if: Graves announces his retirement and move to either a backstage role or something similar, or that he’s going to manage someone else, but stay out of the ring.

What I’m expecting: Graves teases retiring, but instead, announces the comeback that nobody is asking for.

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