And the Crowd Goes “Yes!”

Raw Regurgitated, 10/14

Is Daniel Bryan stroking his beard his “tell” in poker the same way it’s his tell in “about to say something obnoxiously sarcastic”?

Everyone knows Alberto Del Rio is my favorite, but I don’t know if I am going to be able to handle him as “evil shark monster for the Man”. My head might explode from how hard I would mark out.

If nothing else comes out of this Daniel Bryan run, chanting “Yes!” for faces and “No!” for heels has really streamlined crowd alignments going into the future, which is nice.


Beat the Clock matches to determine a No.1 Contender are among the laziest ways to do anything on television. You literally don’t even need to build an actual feud, just have someone beat someone else surprising very fast to then face a third guy at the PPV. But, using it for something like “determining a stipulation in a match” is the best example of recycling since Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton attached repurposed soda cans to those little balls in order to get the readings inside of the F-5 in Twister.

Building (for the first time ever) on the previous paragraph, having R. Truth run around the ring in order to prevent Ryback from getting a quick pin is EXACTLY the type of stuff you can’t do when everyone is fighting for the same thing.

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