#AmbroseWeek – Top 10 Future Opponents for The Lunatic Fringe

We’re celebrating #AmbroseWeek by picking our #Top10 future opponents to square off with the Lunatic Fringe.

tyler breeze

7. Tyler Breeze

For Tyler Breeze to be successful beyond what’s happened to guys like Adam Rose and Fandango, he needs a feud where he’s clearly established as a heel, and there’s no way anyone would root for him ironically over the babyface. So really Ambrose is the only answer, and I think it would be a fun matchup. Nobody works uglier than Ambrose, and it’s a great contrast to the self-proclaimed Prince Pretty.

6. Rusev

Rusev is the most underrated wrestler in WWE. A great move-set, a wonderful actor, and fantastic look – what else do you want in a big Bulgarian brute? So what’s his problem? Too many people wanted to see Rusev win in his first big feud with Cena, and he was the foreign menace! Matching him with everyone’s favorite psycho babyface would give him a much better chance to work on his heel chops.

5. Brock Lesnar

If you don’t want to see what happens when the Beast gets in the ring with somebody as unusual in movement and pacing as Ambrose then you don’t like wrestling. The entirety of Lesnar matches are now built on the concept “how in the bloody hell do you get some offense in?” Who wouldn’t love to see what wacky shit Ambrose could come up with to avoid Suplex City.

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