Andy Will Be Angry If…: NXT Takeover 2 Edition

Tonight, WWE presents its third live NXT special event on the WWE Network.  And, like the two specials that precede it, Takeover 2 looks like a really incredible 2-hour show.  But stacked show or not, there’s always the potential for things to go wrong… infuriatingly wrong.
That’s where I come in.
I’m going to preface this by saying I expect to leave Nick’s house tonight as a very happy, satisfied wrestling fan.  Why?  The caliber of the wrestlers on this show, and the incredible logical ways in which they’re being booked.  The NXT talent is set up to succeed.  The NXT is handed the ball, and told to run.
And, for the most part, they’re running strong.
I’m looking forward to this show, and the follow-up.  There’s potential for a lot of good things in the months that follow this show.  You should be watching every step of the way, because it’d be a real shame to miss out on something so good.
Now, let’s get to the action, shall we?

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