Fantasy Booking: Backlash 2018

Let’s get our magic booking pen ready and Fantasy Book our way through tonight's card for Backlash 2018!

An even longer time ago in a galaxy quite far away, we used to ask “What’s the Worst That Could Happen?” before every PPV.

But, along with some other changes happening in the future with some of our old-time Juice Make Sugar favorites, we’ve decided to embrace the power of positivity and Fantasy Book each show before it happens. We’re back this week with BACKLASH, which is either named after its proximity to WrestleMania or as a direct response to the way-too-real controversy that’s happened since the Greatest Royal Rumble happened a week ago.

 So, without further ado, let’s get our magic booking pen ready and try to figure out what’s going to happen tonight in NEWARK at BACKLASH (2018):

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