Watch, Skip or Skim: Spoiler Alert with "Angry" Andy (2/19-2/21)



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The Shield d Los Matadores & Sin Cara

Roman gets a HUGE reaction from the Colorado Springs crowd.  He also KILLS his opponents with a double spear, letting Rollins get the pin.  This should be a good showcase for The Shield.

Cameron d Aksana

The less talented Funkadactyl takes on my Lithuanian princess.  I know the IWC isn’t hot on Aksana, but I do think she has something.  Maybe I’m just a sucker for a good-looking girl with a strange accent.  That said, this match probably sucks.  If I watch, I’ll likely be waiting for an errant knee drop.

Bad News Barrett says the Colorado fans are as high as he is, and ripped on the US Olympians.  OK then.

SKIM THIS SHOW. The opener should be awesome.  The match that follows is another story.  And it doesn’t sound like a good week for #BNB, either.

WWE Superstars


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Cody Rhodes d Curtis Axel

I’m not sure if the Superstars crowd is being rewarded, or if these two guys are being punished.  Either way, just be happy it’s not Los Matadores vs 3MB, and enjoy what is probably a pretty solid little match.

The Bella Twins & Natalya d Tamina Snuka, Summer Rae & Eva Maria

This match will be pretty good…as long as Eva NEVER TAGS IN.  If she gets involved, well…I’ll understand if you take a break from watching wrestling.

SKIM THIS SHOW.  The opener between two gifted second-generation stars should be awesome.  The 6-diva tag match, however, has potential to breakdown into a total disaster.



(spoilers via

Daniel Bryan d Jack Swagger
Yes, In the opener.  But it wouldn’t be Bryan’s only match of the night, as Kane and Vickie come out to book another match…

Daniel Bryan d Cesaro.
This one ends by DQ when Kane hits DB with a chokeslam. Again.

The Wyatt Family d Rey Mysterio, Goldust & Cody Rhodes
Sister Abigail says good night to Goldust.  This is said to be a really great six-man tag.  Considering who’s involved, you should believe it.

Emma d Summer Rae
Sadly, it was a dance-off.  Noah won’t be happy about that.  I don’t love it, either, but I’ll be happy with it when they’re feuding for the Divas title.  It WILL happen. And it will be GOOD.

Dolph Ziggler d Tyson Kidd
This match is probably fine.  I just don’t understand why it’s played here.  Neither of these guys has anything going on right now.  On the go-home show to the PPV, you could have easily had these guys putting over Cesaro and Swagger before their respective WWE World Heavyweight and Intercontinental title matches.  Instead, the Real Americans jobbed and these guys are just…there.  Good wrestlers, bad booking.

Jimmy Uso d Road Dogg
I’m ready for the Usos to win the tag titles and move on.  But they’ve been booked really strong against the Outlaws, who have been pretty fun since their comeback began.  I can see this leading to an Outlaws win at Elimination Chamber, then a title switch on Raw, or the Wrestlemania pre-show.

Sheamus d Christian
Yes folks, that’s your go-home match for the Elimination Chamber. Hopefully, this match features “Aggressive heel Christian” we saw on Raw, along with a similar “everyone kills everyone” gimmick heading into the Chamber.

SKIM THIS SHOW.  The six-man tag sounds fantastic.  Everything else sounds at least okay, but nothing here is “must-watch.”


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