
There’s a lot of wrestling on TV every week, but only some of it is actually worth watching.  That’s where I come in: every week, I’ll break down the spoilers of all of WWE’s pre-taped shows to let you know what you should watch, and which segments and full shows you should skim or skip.  This week, the Divas division actually starts to make sense … but does that mean it’ll be worth watching? (Spoiler alert: meh) 



(Spoilers via PWInsider.com)

The Usos d Hunico & Camacho

Hey, Hunico’s back!  Remember him?  He was the fake Sin Cara (you know, the good one).  After he lost the mask, he arbitrarily teamed up with Camacho.  It was pretty easy at the time to see which teammate had the talent, and which was Camacho.  Hunico went out with an injury, and both have been gone… seemingly forever.

Before I complain that their “comeback” match is a job to the Usos, I’ll wait and see the match.  Main Event typically opens with a strong match, given a good amount of time.  Hopefully this will be no different, and Hunico & Camacho can make their way back to the midcard.  WWE DESPERATELY needs solid heel tag teams.

All that said, this should be decent to good.  The Usos are always solid.  Hunico can work, as long as he’s not too rusty.  Camacho is Camacho.

Nikki Bella d Alicia Fox

I don’t see this being anything more than a 4-minute plug for Total Divas, that happens to air during a supposed wrestling match.

Take this match to enjoy the fact WWE has separated the Bellas from AJ and Tamina.  More on that in the Smackdown spoilers.

The Wyatt Family d The Prime Time Players

Wyatts are on their way up.  They’re feuding with two beloved former WWE Champions.  They’re feuding with THE GUYS at the top of the show.  They NEED to win matches like this, and decisively.  Expect Darren Young to bump like a madman, and for Titus to put them over as the beasts who can annihilate the big man.

WATCH (the beginning and end of) this show.  (When you hear “YOU CAN LOOK BUT YOU CAN’T TOUCH,” go heat up a Hot Pocket.)



(spoilers via Wrestlezone.com)

CM Punk d Curtis Axel

Punk wanted a representative from the Wyatt Family, but he got one from the Hennig family instead.  Thousands in attendance, and millions watching around the world at home, feel the same disappoint Curt felt for years.  Oh well.  As long as Axel doesn’t try to cut a promo or pull a hip flexor, this should be good.

AJ Lee & Tamina d Cameron & Naomi

AJ makes Cameron tap to the Black Widow.  The best part of this match is it features clear-cut heels facing off against legitimately likeable babyfaces.  When AJ feuded with the Bellas, the fans didn’t care.  The Bellas acted like the cast of Mean Girls Gone Wild, and were supposed to be the faces.  AJ called them a bunch of untalented broads who don’t deserve to be in the ring with an actual wrestler, and was supposed to be the heel.

This match rights a big wrong.  You put CM Punk’s next ex-girlfriend and her Lady-Diesel enforcer/tag team partner against a team the crowd LOVES.  Their gimmick is fun.  Their personalities are over the top babyface, like Kofi Kingston (except Cameron & Naomi occasionally win).  And while far from perfect, Naomi is pretty decent in the ring, and highly athletic.

This match may be short, but it’s the most logically-booked WWE women’s match in recent memory.

John Cena & Alberto Del Rio want to fight TONIGHT, FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE.

Vickie says no, because that’s not best for business.  Fans hate title matches.

Alberto Del Rio d The Great Khali

Same match Del Rio always has, except he’s wrestling a 7-foot, 350-pound cardboard cutout.  Hopefully this match is a couple of kicks, a dropkick, and a cross armbreaker.  Anything else only serves to make everyone involved look really, really bad.  Khali is best served, at this point, in a tag team.  In India.

R-Truth & The Usos d 3MB

Truth is in his hometown for this show, which makes his victory surprising.  6 talented guys here, but don’t expect much.  This will be solid for what it is, but won’t get the time it needs to develop into anything amazing.

Daniel Bryan d Luke Harper

DQ finish when the rest of the family gets involved.  CM Punk makes the save.  Bryan’s bumps SHOULD make the former Brodie Lee look like an unstoppable killing machine.

John Cena d Ryback

Del Rio gets involved after the match, and goes after Cena’s arm.  Cena chases him off, because he’s Cena.  I wouldn’t mind if Del Rio actually gets to look like a threat against Cena.  It would only make sense, considering Del Rio’s finish is an ARMBAR and Cena just got back from ARM SURGERY.  Nope.  Super Cena stands tall.

SKIM this show.  The work on this show will be solid.  But if you’re not into the characters involved, you might get bored, fast.

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